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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 19, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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and this is not an abstraction. there are people whose livelihoods are at stake, there are communities that are going to be impacted in a negative way, and i know that sometimes all this squabbling in washington seems very abstract, and in the abstract people like the idea, you know, there must be some spending we can cut, there must somebody waste out there. there absolutely is, but this isn't the right way to do it. so my door is open. i put tough cuts and reforms on the table. i'm willing to work with anybody to get this job done. none of us will get a hundred percent of what we want. but nobody should want these cuts to go through, because the last thing our families can afford right now is pain imposed unnecessarily bipartisan recklessness and ideological rigidity here in washington. as i said at the state of the union the american people have
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worked too hard too long rebuilding from one crisis to see their elected officials cause yet another one, and it seems like every three months around here there is some manufactured crisis. we've got more work to do than to just try to dig ourselves out of these self-inflicted wounds. while a plan to reduce our deficit has to be part of our agenda we also have to remember deficit reduction alone is not an economic plan. we learned in the 1990s when bill clinton was president, nothing shrinks the deficit faster than a growing economy that creates good jobs. we need to make america a magnet for good jobs, equipping our people with the skills required to fill the jobs. making sure their hard work leads to a decent living. those are the things we should be pushing ourselves to think about and work on every single day.
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that's what the american people expect. that's when i'm going to work on every single day to help deliver. so i need everybody who is watching today to understand we've got a few days, congress can do the right thing. we can avert just one more washington-manufactured problem that slows our recovery and bring down our deficits in a balanced, responsible way. that is my goal, that's what would do right by these first responders, these what would do right by america's middle class. that's what i'm going to be working on and fighting for, not just over the next few weeks but over the next few years. thanks very much, everybody. thank you guys for your service. [applause]
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[applause] jon: "happening now" at the white house president obama shake hands with a group of first responders that were brought in to serve as a backdrop to his speech railing about the possibility of the sequester that gigantic meat axe that will be swung at the federal budget especially on the pentagon in ten days or so march 1st. that's when it's scheduled to kick in. you heard the president railing about it there. i'm jon scott along with jenna lee. a.b. stoddard is associate editor and a columnist for "the hill." the president railed about congress and this terrible law that was passed without mentioning that it was a white house idea, right? >> right. it is an idea that originated in the white house, but republicans certainly voted for the budget control act in 2011, which
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included the sequester, because they too thought it could be reversed or undone or replaced. and we're looking 18 months later at -- ten days as you said, not enough time to change these cuts. there is an acceptance in washington in both parties that it's going to go through, and both the white house, which is more recent, but the republican party as well have both said that this sky is going to fall if the sequester goes through. both are come police in it saying that these cuts are draconian and indiscriminate and irresponsible but here we are with both of them unable to come to an agreement. so the hope is that on march 1st they go online and in a few weeks after there is a chance for them -- some of them to be reversed before a budget deal on march 27th, but we don't know that for sure. jon: the president, again, laid the blame at the feet of congress, particularly republicans in congress.
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i want to play just a snippet of that. >> now republicans in congress face a simple choice. are they willing to compromise to protect vital investments in education and healthcare, and national security and all the jobs that depend on them, or would they rather put hundreds of thousands of jobs and our entire economy at risk just to protect a few special interest tax loopholes that benefit only the wealthist americans and biggest corporations? that's the choice. jon: there are a number of democrats in congress as well, a.b. does it seem that the president would get more done if there were a more bipartisan approach here? >> right this is the problem, that republicans have passed two bills to replace the sequester, the sequester was supposed to be spending cuts, it was not supposed to be a package of tax increases. and so that's why republicans are willing to let this go through. they are the only cuts they can bank from the budget control act. they don't want to see new tax increases after the deal of new
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year's eve. and so the president's urgency about the sequester is tphaoufplnew. he's suddenly painting this as a choice between protect being the tax cuts of the wealthy and middle class jobs and first responders, and food safety, et cetera. the truth is the republicans were trying to replace the sequester all along, but not with something that the president would sign. the president is now asking to replace the sequester at the 11th hour, but, again, not with something that republicans would sign onto. jon: it's a crazy manner of governing one would say, and i asked that question of two experts, senator alan simpson, former senator from wyoming and erskine bowles, former chief of staff to democratic president bill clinton. here is what they had to say. >> wellers kin describes it best,er calls it mindless, stupid, stupid, stupid, he used the term three times, i heard him do that, and it is. it's mindless. and remember it's going to be
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very, very disruptive for various reasons. >> it really is just plain stupid. there is no business guy listening to this program today who would ever do these mind less, senseless across the board cuts. jon: and yet a.b. it appears the mindless, senseless across the board cuts pw-r to happen. >> that's right. the president folk ugsess often on the domestic spending cuts where the defense spending cuts are so draconian his own secretary of defense leon panetta has called this legislative madness and all the top brass in the military has warned it will degrade our readiness and really put it at crisis levels. this is something republicans promised would never happen. this is something the president said in a debate with mitt romney in the fall that was never going to happen. it is madness and stupid and all the word you heard, mindless and reckless but next friday it's going to happen. there is a very small chance
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between now and then we see a resolution of this. jon: thanks for helping us break us down. we will be hearing more from erskine bowles and alan simpson a little bit later in the hour. they are out with new proposals, you'll want to hear about those. jenna: three staoupdz. jon: anstupids. jon: and a mindless. jennnna: it's a big day for drew petersen today. the former illinois police officer convicted of murdering his third wife while under a cloud of suspicion and the disappearance of his fourth wife. a judge is now deciding whether or not petersen deserves a new trial. if that bid is rejected the judge will proceed to sentencing. and petersen could get as many as 60 years behind bars. steve brown is live outside the courthouse in illinois with more on this. steve, we've heard that apparently petersen's defense team made a bad call. what are people talking about with that? >> reporter: well, specifically they are talking about a --
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testimony coming from harry smith who is a divorce attorney. more specifically he was the divorce attorney for kathleen savio the victim in this particular case. but he did have on one occasion a chance to have a meeting with stacy peterson. now stacy peterson met with him, according to testimony, to hire him shaoefplt was lookin. she was looking for a divorce in that she knew that her husband, drew peterson had killed kathleen savio. this was a lynchpin piece of testimony to get the conviction against drew peterson in this long, cold case that only bub eld tonly bubbled up. there are various defense members who laid this at the feet of brodsky.
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he said he didn't act alone. it was a team decision. we've had sound bytes on both sides. here is the point and counter point. >> i'm not going to not do something because it's going to offend somebody or hurt somebody's feelings, i'm not like that. i'm doing what i have to do, what i have to do right now is to point out where the case was blown. and the case was blown by joe brodsky. >> i've got emails from greenberg a day or two before smith was called in which he specifically approves smith and even suggests the question that i ask him. so, for him to say that, you know, calling smith wasn't a decision of the entire team, in fact it was. >> reporter: here is an interesting development. the man you heard last in those two sound bytes, he says he was subpoenaed by the prosecution, which means if he's called to testify during this hearing on whether or not there should a be a new trial he will
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essentially be testifying for the prosecution as a defense witness and might actually be giving testimony that might help keep the trial's verdict in place and send drew petersen to prison likely for the rest of his life. back to you in new york. jenna: a story we'll continue to follow as we have over the last several years. we have to move our weather hit by the way because we got a little long with the president. i'm wondering how cold it is out there. i see you have your ears covered, we don't see that all the time, steve. something must be happening. >> reporter: 16 degrees. 16 balmy degrees in jolieette, illinois. jenna: you can be mad at me and your crew for the additional question thattess keeping you out there longer. thank you, we appreciate it. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: a new report linking major u.s. cyber attacks to one of the countries biggest potential political opponents. who is behind them and what can
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be done to stop all of this? also, jodi arias expected to take the stand again today, she is accused of brutally murdering her exboyfriend. she's spent days now talking about her life and their relationship, but she hasn't mentioned the crimes of which she's accused. we'll tell you why, coming up. [ male announcer ] you know that guy that drives that limousine. current events. comfortable temperature. biceps. he maintains everything for your pleasure. he has the nicest car you can think of, but longer. with one hand he can roll down 10 windows plus the partition. everything he does, tacks right off. and of course he dines upon the liquid gold of velveeta shells and cheese. end of story. liquid gold. eat like that y you know.
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liquid gold. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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jenna: big headline out today that the chinese military is behind a string of hacking attacks against u.s. companies and our government. that is according to a cyber security firm which says it's tracked the source of several attacks to a single chinese government building outside of shanghai. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is here with
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more on this. the chinese deny this. but what evidence out there says it is them. >> this new report from a cyber security research firm in the washington d.c. area lace out a compelling case that the china attacks from china are sponsored and directed by the chinese military. the report specifically sites evidence linking a cyber threat called apt1 to the people's liberation army which is headquartered in the building you see here. the evidence according to executives who oversaw the research is fairly definitive. >> when you look at them in totality it's pretty overwhelming. when we looked at them logging into their attack infrastructure, the server from which they launch attacks, 98% of the log ins were coming from china and 97 of the log inches they are using simplified chinese. they are emanating from one building and one neighborhood in shanghai it's pretty easy to draw a conclusion based on
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that. >> reporter: one of the things the administration has done to deal specifically with the chinese cyber threat was this executive order last week which calls for the immediate sharing of information, threat information between the government and other entities about specific threats like what we see from china. jenna: let's talk a little bit about what is at stake with some of these cyber attacks. how much is the united states losing every year because of cyber espionage. >> reporter: the bottom line is very important. according to members of the house intelligence committee who are regularly believed on the cyber threat the u.s. is losing upwards of $30 billion a year in trade secrets and technology, and that simply amounts to lost jobs for americans. >> we are in a cyberwar. most americans don't know it. most folks in the world probably don't know it. and at this point we are losing. i have never seen anything so ram manslaughter as i hav
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rampant as i have on the espionage front where china is stealing at a breathtaking pace. >> we had a response from the chinese minimum is street. we have stressed many times that hacker attacks is transnational and anonymous. the chinese themselves claim to be victims of cyber espionage. when you talk to people in the intelligence community they say it is clear it is sponsored by china because of the intensity and number of attacks and they are focused on stealing our research and development not only on the military side but also in the public sector, if you will. jenna: our guest at the top of the next hour says this report, this information today is a tipping point in what we do next, that is a big question, what to we do about this. >> reporter: for the first time they are really being very specific with the chinese as to
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where it epl nantes and it's that specificity that makes it harder for the chinese to deflect and claim as they are do that they are themselves victims and not the source of this hacking. jenna: right they are like, don't look at me, it's thoughts. >> reporter: exactly. we've heard that one before. jenna: okay. catherine we'll continue to watch this big story thank you. jon: fascinating report. a daring jewel heist sparks a massive manhunt for the armed men who made off with $50 million worth of diamonds. we are live at the breaking news news desk. plus in the wake of the tragedy of newtown connecticut the shot light has turned to putting armed guards in our schools. israel has quite a unique perspective on that and jenna lee just got back from that country. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
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jenna: the hunt is on right now for a gang of armed men who pulled off a daring heist hat a brussels international airport making off with $50 million worth of diamonds. julie banderas is live in our new york city newsroom. i'm checking out the jewelry you have on today, julie. you didn't get any of that, did you? >> reporter: yeah, no i didn't. robbers pulling off really the perfect crime, jenna, leaving airport security baffled. the heist was estimated at some $50 million in diamonds, according to antwerp world diamond center. police are looking for eight men who made off with all of this. they made a hole apparently in a security fence at brussels international airport. they drove onto the tar ph-bg and robbed a swiss-bound plane at gunpoint. authorities say the armed and masked men used two different vehicles in the raid and within just minutes they made their way to the plane, took the stones without firing a shot and drove off into the night. police right now looking into
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clues with few to go on. they found a burnt vehicle close to the air mort believed to be one of the get away cars. what is worse, insurance won't cover the loss if the diamonds are never recovered. that is because air travel is actually known as the safest and most secure mode of transport. insurance for airport transport is usually relatively cheap because unlike a consider or truck an airplane usually can't be attacked by robbers once on its way. the confines within the airport are usually highly secured making this heist highly unusual. the swiss flight was canceled after the robbery and the airline has declined to comment, but there is no drought about it, thedoubt about it, they were certainly not prepared for anything like this. nor have they seen anything like this before. jenna: it sounds bold. >> reporter: it sound like a movie, really stkwrao i does. jenna: the $50 million in diamonds have to go some where.
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>> reporter: let's hope they get some of it back at least. jon: easy to transport. our nation's debt crisis growing by the day and lawmakers are once again locked in a bitter fight how to solve the problem. now a new plan is on the table that would deal with our nation's debt and spending problems from a pair of powerhouse names you probably know. their goal is to build on what congress and the president have generally agreed on so far and cut trillions more fro from the budget over the decade. moments ago i smoke with allen simpson and erskine bowles and asked them about this new plan. >> it's called a plan for america, and we hope it will be adopted by people who have chosen to be americans instead of just democrats or republicans. >> it reduces deficit over the next decade by $2.4 trillion. that is enough to stabilize the debt at less than 70% of gdp and most importantly keep it on a downward path as a percent of
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the economy. a quarter of it comes from revenue, a quarter of it comes from healthcare spending cuts, and another half of it comes from cuts in the discretionary programs, in the other mandatory programs, and putting forward the changed cpi and also interest cuts. again, we think this is enough to get the job done. this is enough to put america's fiscal house in order and we think it's our generation's responsibility to fix this problem. we are the ones that messed it up, republicans and democrats alike. >> and we'll get very specific very soon in a couple, three weeks we'll get very specific. we use numbers, nobody less cape where we are going or what we are trying to do, no fake re, no mirrors, no smoke. jon: we have a few of the numbers we can put up on the screen right now. you're looking at cuts of about $600 million from medicare and medicaid. $600million in new revenue from ending exemptions and tax breaks and you'd also like to cut
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1.2 trillion in discretionary spending. first of all, do we have those numbers right, and 1.2 trillion in discretionary spending, mr. bowls, that sounds like a lot of money. >> unfor the in the here that's the part you don't have right. it's about a quarter from revenues. so you've got about that -- it's abou dash about right. it's a quarter from healthcare cuts and it's about a quarter from both defense, nondefense and other mandatory spending, then it's about a quarter from going to the chain cpi, introductions and other government reforms. so, again, the defense and nondefense cuts aren't anything like 600 billion. the interesting thing is if you actually slowed the rate of growth of the discretionary budget to the rate of growth it was in the 1990s, you could save, just doing that, about $300 billion. jon: senator simpson, has the president taken a lock at thi
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look at this plan, he has endorsed it? >> well, he will be doing a lot of things in the next few days, and in the next few weeks, but as i've said before, i'm sure that when he ran for re-election he wanted to have a successful presidency. unless he does something to get in and get his hands dirty and get in working with the congress, democrats and republicans, to do something about the long-term solvency of social security, and do something about a healthcare system which is on automatic pilot, forget whether it's going to show in years it saves money or it doesn't, wait until it kicks in. there is no cost contain tph-plt that baby until 2014 and after that they will never do it anyway. if he wants to leave it alone and not deal with those two big he's, forget the rest of the stuff he'll have a failed presidency. >> the president hasn't endorsed it. the republican leadership in the house and senate, and the democratic leadership in the house and senate, nobody has
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endorsed it. what we are trying to do is push these guys out of their comfort zone. we are having the republicans to do some revenues, we are asking the democrat toss do more in t democrat krats t to do more in the area of health control. it is enough to put our fiscal house in order and that's when we think is important. jon: erskine bowles who served as chief of staff to president bill clinton and senator alan simpson, former republican senator from wyoming. they stress that they are trying to start at a place where congress and the president were pretty tph-fp agreement back at the end of last year. they hope by putting forward this new plan now they can actually get people in washington to listen. jenna: fingers crossed, because they make sense and they are doing this out of the goodness of their heart. they are not like election -dee figureseelected officials any more. jon: and they speak very bluntly about what will happen if we don't get anything done. jenna: this of course is the big story talking about the economy and what will happen with
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sequestration and our economy in general. another big story that we are watching is oscar pistorius sticking to his story in court today claiming he shot his girl friend in the middle of the night by accident. a live report, next.
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guards in elementary school. that measure is awaiting final budgetary approval. newtown is not the only school district considering that measure. the head of the national rifle association, wayne laperriere says we should do this nationwide and look at israel as a model d saying quote, israel had a whole lot of school shootings, until they did one thing. we'll stop it and put armed security at every school and they have not had a problem since then. that is not exactly true. israel did not have a whole lot of school shootings and suddenly decide to put armed guards at schools but they do have armed guards in schools now and they don't have a problem with school shootings. i recently was in israel and since we've been talking so much about this i wanted to see what these armed guards look like and show this to you as well. in fact i met a family whose children have gone to school both in the united states and israel and here's their story. >> we moved to israel five months ago and, i was in
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shock. >> really? >> i was in shock. i got here and i saw the guard here. you know the guard, he is carrying a weapon. so because --. jenna: because you had your kids in public school in los angeles you've seen the difference between school security in america and school security here. how would you describe the difference? >> the difference is, you know, in the u.s., you know, staff is checking i.d. and that was it. it wasn't locked, the gate wasn't locked. i think everyone can get in. you know, it is, easy. and look at him right here. we lock the door. lock the gate. it is different. jenna: so as a mother do you feel safer with your child in israel? >> i fail-safer in israel.
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jenna: how do your kids feel? >> though feel safe here. so safe. i was wow, this is a safe place. jenna: but some people might look at a fence and a dpard guard and feel intim tated. people see a fence and it feels like a prison not a school. that's not where my kid should go to school. how safe do you feel here versus los angeles. >> here, i feel a lot safer because i know that there is two guards. one on each side, like one on that side of the gate and another one in the back and i know i can count on him to keep me safe. he won't let anybody bad in or, nothing bad will happen. jenna: why do you think that way? >> because he has, he has a gun and, he, he, he checks everybody before they come in. and, he knows.
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jenna: some people feel though having an armed guard at school can make students feel more nervous especially when you're not used to them. do you ever feel nervous around the guard because he has a gun? >> no. not at all. when you come into school and see there is person that cares about you, that doesn't want anybody to get hurt. then you feel a lot safer. jenna: this is one family's perspective. i spoke to a few families and they told me the same thing. israel put armed guards in schools in 195. not to a response to school shootings but to protect against terrorism. since armed guards went into schools in israel, israel police tell us have there have been zero public school shootings. that said, israel is very strict about gun laws. there is no second amendment. you are not allowed to own a weapon unless you fit very specific criteria. why with a country with strict gun laws allow children to be around guns at school?
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i had asked one of the country's safety officials about this. take a listen to this. >> israel it is almost the opposite. not only we don't have the second amendment and basic right of having a weapon, in fact, in israeli law it is quite the opposite. having or holding a firearm to begin with is forbidden. it is and, it is okay only for very specific population. jenna: he went on to say that really the armed guards are just part of school security. he said that even as a father it was good to know there was an instant response if needed at the school, but it was part of a bigger plan as well. should we have armed guards in u.s. schools? seeing what israel has done, is that a model for us? joining us ann hayes, president of investigative management group that advises schools on security. she is former special agent
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with the department of justice in afghanistan and pakistan. and randy winegarten, president of american federation of teachers. this is hot topic of conversation. we want to keep our kids safe. ann, you say, that armed guards are something we should consider in public schools. why? >> yes. i don't think we have to make our schools appear like armed camps but i do think that someone armed in the school would be very beneficial as well on reactionary level as well as prevention. we have almost made our schools soft target or guns or terrorists because they know there is no one there that has a gun that can stop them. the only way to stop someone with a gun that comes in to do damage is with a gun, not with scissors. jenna: randi, you work closely with teachers. you say teachers should not be armed. what about armed guards? >> i'm glad that you also showed that in israel there
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is really strict gun laws. 40% of the people who apply for firearms don't get them. and teachers are not armed in israel. i think this is a community by community decision. i mean we have in our schools right now a third of our schools actually have recall aed police officers. and there are places like newtown and others who want them because of deterrent value and prevention value but there is a lot of other things we need to do as well and i think this should be a community by community decision. what i'm concerned about is that we don't make schools into armed fortresses. jenna: what did you think about what you saw? i'm just curious about what you saw in israel? they have a high fence. they have a gate that is locked. they have a armed security guard. when i talked to the cab driver in israel, but sometimes our schools don't actually have fences. they looked at me like i'm crazy. should we consider some minor changes? >> absolutely. we should have school safety
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audits for every school and we should have those kind of protocols. like a panic bar, the kind of locked procedures, having some fences around schools are really important because, particularly schools in rural areas. so i think that we have to have that kind of safety protocol. but the bottom line is also, in a situation of limited resources, there will be some schools that say, let's get social worker, let's have a guidance counselor. let's find a way to really connect with kids. it is a different situation than israel. i've been in israeli schools. i agree with you, that they're very, very safe but i think what you heard the security people in israel say. is that it is a whole protocol based upon what is happening in israel. that's what we should do here. jenna: it is interesting you bring that up, and anna, i like your thoughts as well, in israel the conversation about gun control and
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security, it is clear they are different topics. when we talk about school security we're not talking about gun control. >> no. jenna: in this conversation in the nation we're talking about having comprehensive rerecall if. i wonder if we're hurting our children by talking about comprehensive reform and gun control as a big picture and not focusing how do i keep a 5-year-old from getting murdered in their classroom? are we hurting ourselves by taking that comprehensive approach? >> let me follow up on something randi said about having counselors. i too think that is very important point. the first perimeter for security is intelligence. many of these schools have intelligence of either frmer students, maybe spouses of teachers. people that have mental problems and maybe made threats that is something we need to focus on also. that would help a lot in securing the schools. but i think, i have two boys and they would make a gun out after peanut butter sandwich. so to punish 5-year-olds or
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playing cowboys and indians in the playground, they don't understand that. jenna: that's a little bit of a separate topic, randi. i would love your thoughts as well. it is getting to be so big, how do we make sure children are safe around children are safe and gun control debate is maybe a separate one, maybe? >> i think there are three things --, look the newtown shocked the conscience of our nation. i think as a result there is a renewed conversation not on whether or not we should have the second amendment. we have to find ways to harmonize the second amendment and legitimate, you know, efforts to reduce gun violence. but we have had over a thousand people killed since newtown because of gun violence. so i think you have three things going on. one is a focus on school safety. second is a focus on gun violence. and third is a focus on mental health because we also have to destigmatize mental health issues in order to insure that if we
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see kids who are really, you know, who are lost and things like that, we have --. jenna: they need to be identified. randi, if i could, ann, too, i would like to run the quick sound from our secretary of education arne duncan. he talked about mental health care as well. he raised interesting points what is reasonable expectation of security at schools for armed guards. let me run that quickly. >> the fact you look at a virginia tech, you see they had a security force there. didn't stop that from happening. you had columbine, they had security officers. i think we need to take a comprehensive approach to reducing gun violence. jenna: he raises that even in some campuses where there are armed guards there were horrific shootings. i will give you guys to react to that. i have to take a quick comercial break. ot be you; it may be your razor. upgrade to gillette fusion proglide. micro-thin blades are thinner
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. final thoughts with ann hayes who advises schools what they can do better regarding security and randi
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winegarten, the president of the american federation of teach earns. arne duncan just said, there are schools hired armed guards and still mass shootings at schools. his point was, it is not a guaranty if you have armed guards you will not have school shootings. although that is what we saw in israel for the time-being. what are your final thoughts that we can do for school security today that would make our kids safer for the years ahead? >> the principal in newtown did a very good job at a come hens sieve security audit for her school. one thing she was looking was a gun to stop that killer. jenna: randi? >> this is where i guess disagree with ann. that killer came in with large magazines that shoot between three and 10 bullets a second. but we do need to have a real security audits. we have to have people talking to each other. and we have to actually have some extra resources so that communities can actually
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decide how they want to use those resources to keep our children safe. jenna: great to have you both with us today. that is a big topic of conversation. we look forward to hearing from our viewers over twitter and e-mail at happening now@jenna fnc. look forward to having you back. jon: well for the first time ever a woman will be leading the pack in the daytona 500 this weekend. nascar star danica patrick joins us live next.
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jenna: daytona is gearing up for a big nascar race this weekend and for the first time ever a woman will be leading the pack, a rightful place i might add, just so
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we're clear. jon: there she is in the green, danica patrick. she will have the pole position on this weekend's race. she has been out in front making a name for herself in some of the biggest names on the circuit. shep wants to make history again as winner of the 2013 daytona 500. jenna: joining us now is the driver herself, dan can, patrick. so, girl, i want to see you win the whole thing, not just this first race. >> not as much as i want to win it. jenna: tell us what is the key, what is the key to doing that? what will be key for you in this race coming up this weekend? >> well, finishing, which is a challenge at daytona. there are lots of really close racing. it is a lot of close racing and when there's an accident, give the speed we're going there is lot of times there is nowhere to go so you end up getting collected in an accident you didn't have any
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part of. so you got to finish. outside of that you have to be able to get a feel for the draft, read how the air works and where you pick up good runs and keep making your way to the front. you need a fast car, which i feel like i really do have because, you know, my godaddy crew did an incredible job over the winter of building that car. and so, i think that, i think that those are the important things. you're going to need some friends at the end probably to get into a good position but then you've got to be smart and make the right move at the right time. jon: a lot of fans were shocked when you left the indy circuit and got into nascar. the learning curve they thought was going to be pretty steep but you seem to have master ited it. how did you do that? >> well, boy, i don't know about mastered. tony gibson and my crew chief were talking after qualifying there are going to be tough days. we looked at each other. we know that. he said we have to pick each
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other up when we have tough days and still high-fiving each other and happy when we have the good ones. that is what we work so hard for. sunday was definitely a day to high-five each other to be happy. but we know they're going to be tough days and we know it's about keeping your head up and staying confident. i'm a rookie, so, you know, keeping expectations in check is important. experience definitely helps here at daytona with the draft and, just being familiar with how that all works. but, coming from indy car i also do feel a level of comfort with the pack racing. it was very much like racing a mile and a half for us in an indy car where you're very close to each other and you have to do the best job you can to keep your foot in it. if you lift you kind of go backwards and it is similar out here in nascar. jon: obviously you're a very competitive woman and this is a very competitive sport but i have read nothing but positive comments from the guys who you bested to get
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that pole position. how does that make you feel? >> that's nice. that's very flattering. i, you know, i'm, i mean it feels nice but i also think that it's an opportunity for me to then say how this pole position, you know, with a big team effort. it was not just me having some awesome lap out there as a driver. we turn laps, we hold it flat. it is pretty straightforward. you need to be smooth. does a driver make 100s of a difference? sure. the ultimate speed of the car is there from the team. it is there from hendrik who builds the engines and chassises. the chevy, the chevy is obviously very fast. it is on the front row with myself and jeff gordon. there is a lot of other stuff that goes into it. jenna: there is still the driver, dan can. we'll have to leave it there unfortunately. we'll look forward to checking back in with you
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when you see the other drivers in the rear view mirror. they always look better, i find aniwayses. we're rooting for you, good luck. jon: big day in court for former illinois police officer drew pete son
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jon: we begin a brand new hour with breaking news. more than 100 united states companies hacked, information on aerospace and telecommunications technology reportedly accessed by china's military. a scary wake-up call when it comes to our nation's cybersecurity. court action today for the former police officer married four times, found guilty of killing his third wife. the only suspect in the disappearance of his fourth. a judge about to decide what happens to drew peterson. and bill o'reilly joins us, the film adapted from his book, "killing lincoln," smashes ratings records. we'll ask bill why we are still sofas mated so many years later.
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♪ jon: there are new questions today about how vulnerable america is to cyber attacks and new reports saying a shadowy unit of china's military hacked more than 100 u.s. companies, sometimes for years, stealing sensitive information in the process. welcome to a brand new hour of "happening now," i'm jon scott. jenna: somebody was up to no good, that's for sure. hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee, and today china's government is vigorously denying its military played any role in this widespread online espionage claiming it's also a frequent victim itself of cyber attacks. china responding to this brand new report from an american computer security firm that found a group attached to china's military stole information from nearly 150 companies, most of them american. now, this included companies in industries ranging from i.t. to telecommunications to aerospace to energy to oil. you've got to remember that as well. our next guest says today's
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report is a tipping point between us and china. gorddn chang is the author of the coming collapse of china. we'll ask is him about that title in a second because no collapse soon enough if this is what they're doing. why is it such a tipping point? >> we've now about all of the pla's, the chinese military's, cyber attacks against the united states in a decade, and as recently as november they turned down the cybersecurity bill. i think this really got to americans because it showed they're not only going after the defense establishment, they're also going after the institutions of a free society; newspapers, the press, media. jenna: what are they up to? >> well, they just want information. they want it because they believe in asymmetric warfare where they believe they can use cyber attacks against a militarily stronger america and also because they want all this information to help their own enterprises to compete with us. jenna: one of the reports in "the new york times" said ha one of the companies targeted controls like 60% of our power
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and energy grid out there, so it gives you an idea of what one cyber attack can do. you say their denial is laughable, why? >> well, it's laughable because we have of the details about this, and we've had it for a very long time. china has been attacking targets which really have only relationships to china. we know where this stuff comes from, and because of china's cyber wall, we know that nobody can attack america from inside china without the chinese government knowing about it. jenna: but, you know, the american people also hear this, we also hear that china owns all our debt and we depend on china for so much, and if for some reason we got into a conflict with china, our economy would be in trouble, and since they own our debt, it complicates things. your thoughts? >> yeah. they need us so much more than we need them. last year china's merchandise trade surplus against the u.s. was at least 136.3% of their overall surplus. that means they've got an economy which is geared towards
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selling things to them, we do not have an economy that's geared to selling things to them. jenna: so they're attacking their best customer. >> definitely. and they want the information because american companies are so competitive. jenna: so what do we do about this? what is the right response? >> first of all, let's look what we shouldn't be doing. we're trying to solve this through cooperative dialogue, but president obama, defense secretary panetta have been talking to the chinese during the first term about all this, but the cyber attacks have spiked dramatically. right now there's a militant nationalism in beijing. the military is breaking free of civilian control. you can't talk to them. what we need to do is raise the costs to them, and there are many ways that we can do that. jenna: how? >> i think one of the things is just target their economy which right now is quite fragile, and the way we can do that is just inspect the goods coming in from china. you know, their freighters would be lined halfway across the pacific as they try to get into long beach. that would hurt the chinese. wouldn't really hurt us because we can our t-shirts and shoes
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from vietnam and bangladesh. jenna: the last couple weeks you've been on to talk about north korea, and we've talked a little bit about north korea and china and their relationship. is it a coincidence that we're seeing a lot of murmurs from this area of the world when it comes to trying to take some sort of stance against our country? >> i don't think it's coincidence because the chinese have really gone off the rails. i think that they probably are helping the north koreans sort of roil the international system because china wants certain things right now. it's trying to isolate japan, for instance, in its territorial dispute, and the problems with north korea take our attention away from a very critical sovereignty contest in the east china sea. jenna: so your final suggestion for the president that wants to pivot eastward would just be doing subtle, small things that would disrupt the chinese economy. >> i think they'll get the message, and we can get them to back off. right now they've just been laughing at us. jenna: that's not good. doesn't feel good to be laughed at by anybody, gordon.
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thank you so much. gordon chang with us today. jon? jon: well, she is no longer the top u.s. diplomat, but that does not mean hillary clinton plans to exit the world stage. a new report says the former secretary of state will hit the lucrative speaking circuit. mrs. clinton expected to command six figures for her appearances and follow in the footsteps of of her husband who has made millions of dollars in speaking fees. the move also would help the former presidential candidate stay in the spotlight while she weighs her next move. fox news contributor joe trippi is a former campaign manager for howard dean. to the folks at home, it sounds unbelievable, joe, that you get $100,000 or more, i mean, we don't exactly know how high into the six figures she would be, for giving a speech. >> it's, it's pretty amazing, but it's been happening this way for years. ronald reagan famously charged $2 million for a series, a couple speeches he made in japan.
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condi rice, i think, reportedly gets $150,000. i mean, these kinds of fees -- and her husband, bill clinton, gets upwards of $350, even a half a million for a speech. so these kinds of fees are not extraordinary at all, and i'm sure there's going to be a lot of interest in having hillary clinton, some of her stature -- former first lady, secretary of state, u.s. senator -- speak on a number of issues. so i think there's going to be quite a bit of interest, and she'll have plenty of speeches to do or turn down. jon: but you've got to have deep pockets, obviously, to afford a speech like this, and that raises all questions, all kinds of questions about whether, you know, companies or organizations that hire her to present such a speech might be buying influence. what do you think about that? >> well, i mean, i'm sure there will be people who look at things that way, but, you know, sarah palin, newt gingrich before he ran for president last time was somebody who had been
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on the speaking circuit. people have made the same claims about him. i don't remember that happening at any of the races, you know, for using newt as an example. people tend not to raise those kinds of questions don't get raised unless they're, you know, look, if you've spoken to the, you know, taken money from the iranian government to give a speech in iran or something. i'm sure there are places or things that would cause issues, but i don't think hillary clinton's going to -- or someone like newt gingrich -- would entertain speaking to somebody, taking fees from somebody that would create a political problem down the road. jon: she launched a new web site earlier this month that has raised a lot of questions about whether she might be positioning herself for a presidential run next time around. do you see that happening? >> i -- look, as a democrat, i hope so. and i think so far i haven't seen -- i take that as a sign that she's keeping the door open. i think the same thing with these speeches, that's a way, as
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you pointed out, a way to keep her out in front of people and get her ideas out there. so all these are signs to me that, yes, i think it is very likely that she'll be running in 2016 and that some of these steps will actually help her not just keep the door open, but walk through that door if she decides to make the run. jon: well, you know that her first speech is going to be well covered by the media, presuming they're allowed in. joe trippi, thank you. >> thanks, jon. jenna: well, right now gas prices are on the rise again. in fact, they haven't stopped rising for 33 straight days, so you're not imagining things if you think gas prices have gone up. aaa says prices have jumped 45 cents from a month ago setting a new record for the month of february, something we often don't see this time of year. the national average right now, $3.75 per gallon. adam houseley's live in santa monica, california, with more on
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this. we were talking to you about some of the crazy gas prices in california, above $5, i see behind you we're already there. >> reporter: yeah, you know, we were talking about that, it was the end of summer, people were still going on vacations, and gas prices were high for the time, but somewhat expected because it was a popular driving season. but, you know, right now they've got -- they've gone up 13.5% since january. that's where we are, and numbers don't expect to drop anytime soon. in fact, we've got a map for you to give you the high gas prices across the country, what people are seeing around the nation. of course, is always the highest, but here in the lower 48, california, $4.16, connecticut, $3.9 6, indiana, $3.86, that's all for regular gasoline, so in some cases premium's above $4, again, above $5 here. look at the increase since january 17th. on the 17th of january it was
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$3.29 a gallon, that was the national average. we're now at $3.74, that's up 44 cents. unbelievable. and when you talk to drivers, they're now just starting to see this, they're starting to realize they don't drive as much in the summertime, and they're not happy about it. >> your regular joe on the street is just being extorted and milked for anything he can get. >> it's definitely, it's something we all have to get, um, and it definitely makes a difference. definitely. and i feel like, you know, i'll have to maybe not spend elsewhere. >> i don't know what's going on and why they're blaming refineries and whatever else, but i don't know. what can we do, right? still got to go to work. >> reporter: they're blaming superstorm sandy for taking down refineries, other ones have gone offline for repair, also the international trade of gasoline is up significantly, a lot more people want gasoline around the world, they're saying that's part of it as well. and also take note of this, too,
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jenna, diesel prices are up as well. that's about shipping, and that could hit us in the pocketbook in other ways. jenna? jenna: so you've got your skateboard out, adam? california and all? [laughter] >> reporter: yeah. it kind of fits california, right? skateboarding to work. wouldn't that be good with my shoulder pack and computer heading in to work? jenna: i can say that because i'm a native californian. sorry about the gas prices -- >> reporter: yeah, but we're northern californians. jenna: that's true. much different. >> reporter: we have some public transportation at least. jenna: some. sometimes. adam, thanks a lot. we'll continue to watch this story. $5 in february? it is february. jon: holy cow, that is ugly. thanks. a debill -- debate raging in georgia. doctors say the man is mentally disabled. a live report from outside the prison where he's being held. and movie adapted from one of bill to rileless best-selling books delivers record numbers
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for one network. >> let us strive on to bind up the nation's wounds, a just and a lasting peace. jon: bill o'reilly joins us later to talk about his book, "killing lincoln," and the television phenomenon that it's spawned. that's coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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jon: right now a fierce legal battles raging over a condemned prisoner scheduled to be executed tonight in georgia. warren hill was convicted of killing his 18-year-old girlfriend back in 1986 and then beating a fellow inmate to death four years later. but three doctors who originally testified against him now claim hill is mentally disabled and should not be put to death. senior national correspondent john roberts live in jackson, georgia, with more.
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john? >> reporter: good afternoon to you. certainly, the crimes were heinous, he shot his girlfriend 11 times to kill her and then in 1990 bludgeoned that former inmate to death with a board studded with nails. his attorneys argued that he was suffering from mental retardation and should not receive the death penalty. three doctors who were hired by the state disagreed with that saying he was not mentally retarded and during their interviews they thought perhaps he was even faking it. since then, though, those same three doctors have said they were wrong. one of them in an affidavit saying: my judgment that mr. hill did not meet the criteria for mild mental retardation was in error, going on to say that hill has an iq of about 70. back in 2002 the superior court ruled that it was a violation of the eighth amendment, unconstitutional, to put a mentally retarded person to death, and since then many people have come to hill's defense, including the family of his victim that he killed back in 1990, and former president
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jimmy carter. they say that his sentence should be commuted from death to life in prison. eric jacobson is with the georgia council on developmental disabilities. >> i think that we're making a huge mistake as a society. i think that we're looking at someone who may or may not be able to understand right from wrong, may not be able to understand a variety of things because of his disability, and to execute somebody based on that, i think, is a miscarriage of justice. >> reporter: in its 2002 ruling, the supreme court left it up to the states to determine who was mentally retarded in the parlance of the day. in many georgia the standard is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and the state says that hill has not met that criteria. this is now before the board of parole and pardons, the georgia supreme court will be taking it up this afternoon and, ultimately, before the 7:00 schedules execution time it will be in the hands of the united states supreme court. we'll keep you up-to-date on all the developments this afternoon. jon? jon: big day. john roberts, thank you.
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jenna: well, right now the legal team for an ex-cop convicted of killing his third wife making a last ditch effort. drew peterson could soon learn his prison sentence unless a judge grants him a new trial today. we're awaiting a decision that could come down at any moment. we'll keep you posted. also, a movie adapted from bill o'reilly's best-selling book, "killing lincoln," rakes in record viewership for one network. >> at 21 minutes and 55 seconds past 7 a.m. on saturday, april 15th, 1865, abraham lincoln draws his last breath. jenna: recognize the voice there? i bet you do. coming up, we're going to talk to bill about the breakout hit based on his book. what does this say about american leadership today that we're looking so far into the past? we'll ask bill next. when you have diabetes...
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jon: a movie adapted from bill o'reilly's best-selling book, "killing lincoln," pulls in the highest viewership ever for one network. national geographic channel had a very good presidents' day weekend after an average 3.4 million people tuned in to watch the two-hour premiere. it delves into the assassination of our 16th president. if you didn't see it, take a look. >> let us strive on to bind up the nation's wounds, a just and a lasting peace. >> i, john wilkes booth, will kill a tyrant. jon: joining us now, bill o'reilly, the author of "killing lincoln." obviously, bill, you wrote the
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best-selling book. you didn't write the screenplay, though, right? how'd they do bringing it to lifesome. >> i was the executive producer on it, so i had some say on the screenplay and what they did. um, i liked it. i thought they, basically, marketed it very well, and that's very important, as you know, jon, to get people's attention in the age of computer, it's hard. so i'm real happy with it. we're going to do "killing kennedy" with nat-geo and scott free as well, and things are going pretty well. jon: yeah. well with, obviously, after they set a record with viewership on this project, thai going to want to do -- they're going to want to do "killing kennedy." but when you take the story you wrote about lincoln and you have to condense it so much for television, it had to sting to lee -- leave out some of it, huhsome.
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>> not really. i want people to become interested in their country and in his, and i want children to do that, that's why i wrote these books. what they left out is a lot of the civil war stuff that we had because that would be very expensive of to shoot. but, you know, if you read the book, we give you the whole civil war, what was happening at the end of it, how bloody it was, how intense it was, how lincoln was actually standing, you know, in richmond, virginia, and how people were reacting to him. so all of that is not part of the movie. they zeroed in on the drama of lincoln's demise and what a villain booth was. and i think that was a smart thing to do. so i really, i don't have any beefs on this one at all. jon: lincoln is big right now, obviously, the spielberg movie, a huge oscar nominee, getting all kinds of attention. your piece, your film and book kind of a companion piece to that. jenna asked the question earlier, what does it say about our country that, you know, at a time when washington seems so paralyzed and polarized all of a
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sudden we're looking back at the leadership of a guy like abraham lincoln? >> well, that's a good thing. lincoln was the best president, i think, the country's ever had because he had to overcome the most when he walked into office after james buchanan had screwed everything up, i mean, this guy didn't have a lot of experience, just one term in congress, two years, and he really was a courageous man who put his country first. and i think we need that now. not a knock on president obama, but we have a very complex society now, we have a lot of division in the country, and we need a strong leader to bring us together, and lincoln shows in the book and in the movies how he did that and what kind of a brilliant man he was. jon: okay. we talked about "killing kennedy," that's going to become another nat-geo project, but i'm also hearing whispers that you've got another big book coming out later this fall. you want to tell us anything about that? >> i'm making the announcement tomorrow on "the factor,"
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wednesday on "the factor," we're going to -- jon: you can do it now, bill. >> yeah, you know -- [laughter] they're going to do a full page ad in "the new york times" on thursday -- jenna: oh. >> you know, i've got -- there are people who are paying me to do all this, i've got to help them. but when i announce this book tomorrow, everybody's going to be surprised. it is going to be controversial, very controversial, but a big event. jon: you always shy away from controversy. >> you know that, jon. i hate that. jon: bill o'reilly, good to have you on. of course, catch bill every weekday on "the factor" 8 p.m. and again at 11 p.m. right here on fox news channel. jenna: you tried, jon. what are you going to do? jon: he's got to keep to a schedule, i guess. jenna: all right. we'll look forward to hearing about that. in the meantime, the u.s. is selling drones to a middle eastern nation, and we're told it will help boost surveillance in this region. why is this deal happening now? what concerns should we have, if
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any? also, a decision on bail delayed for the double amputee olympian oscar pistorius. today's news comes as loved ones gatt for the funeral of his girlfriend whom he's charged with murdering. we're going to take a closer look at this case next. >> there's a space missing inside all the people that she knew that can't be filled again. we're going to keep all the positive things that we remember and know about my sister, and we will try and continue with the things that she tried to make better. we'll miss her.
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jenna: for the very first time an american company is selling u.s. drones to a gulf state. the deal with the uae, the united arab emirates, will send these advanced unmanned aerial vehicles to one of iran's neighbors. jennifer given is live at -- griffin is live at the pentagon with more on this. >> reporter: hi, jenna. well, saudi arabia and the uae have been asking for the u.s. to sell this technology to them, but it wasn't until the largest arms expo in the world which began this weekend in abu dhabi that the deal was announced. the uae agreed to buy $1.4 billion in u.s. weapons including $200 million in unarmed predator drones which amounts to about 20 remotely-piloted aircraft from general atomics aeronautical systems through a middle man
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known as the international golden group. the state department and pentagon have remained mum about the deal which was confirmed to fox news from uae sources. but here's a press release from general atomics last week. quote: >> r eporter: defense sources say that the leaks from the uae side are premature and that congress has yet to be notified. there is no way to be sure these drones won't eventually be armed. according to the american contract or, the export variant of the predator would be deliberately engineers to make adding weapon withs impossible, but it is not difficult to modify technology such as this in some point in time. the real reason they want the emirates to have these drones is to keep an eye on neighboring
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iran. the arab countries in the region are very concerned about iran's nuclear program, and you are already seeing an arms race of sorts in the middle east as a result of the program, jenna. jenna: jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thanks. jon: right now we are awaiting news from inside the courtroom at the drew peterson murder trial. his lawyer is expected to argue that the former cop deserves a new trial because his last attorney botched the case. if the judge rejects that motion, peterson will go directly to sentencing for the murder of his third wife, kathleen savio. now he, of course, is also a suspect in the disappearance of his fourth wife, stacy peterson, her body has never been found. let's talk about it with lis wiehl and doug burns, former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney. of doug, i don't understand a lot of things what you lawyers do, and i really don't understand that one because you've got two lawyers defending peterson who used to be on the
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same team, now one is charging the other with, what, basically nonpractice? >> you're making an excellent point. normally what happens is a lawyer tries a criminal case, and then when there's a new lawyer on appeal they will often say that the trial lawyer was ineffective. jon: jon. >> the name of the claim, ineffectiveness of counsel. usually -- let me rephrase that, you almost never see two lawyers who have tried a case together and then one with of them accusing the other lawyer of being ineffective and lis can expect -- >> yes. let's talk about the legal standard because it's a really high burden to bear here. what they've got to show, this lawyer that's charging the other lawyer, has got to show it was of so ip competent, beyond the normal standard in the community, i don't see how they get there. i thought they did a pretty good job with the bad facts they had. and then the second, strickland washington, even if they were incompetent or failed that standard that it would have made a difference in the ultimate outcome of the trial and, again, i don't see it here.
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the prosecution had such good evidence against this guy that he was going to go no matter who his lawyers were. jon: but we are still at the criminal trial level, right? so if there is to be an appeal -- i mean, there were some sort of ground broken that allowed kathleen savio's statements to be used -- >> but that had nothing toot with the defense. that was a law that was changed, the hearsay evidence being allowed in, absolutely, but that had nothing to do with the defense. >> let me address another point which is normally ineffective counsel would be raised on appeal. >> right. >> but the appellate courts say, wait a minute, we need a record of this. so they're going to call joe bradsky citizen a witness, other witnesses to establish whether or not -- by the way, it's interesting, they want to call the actual state attorney as a witness, and he came in and tried to block it, not surprisingly, saying some type of prosecute tore y'all immunity. but, again, they need to make a record, and then if they want to appeal the question of ineffective counsel, they can
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appeal it from that record. >> and your point is excellent because -- >> thank you. >> for once! [laughter] i'll give you that. you're making a record because you know why, guys? they know this guy is going on to sentencing, and they want to have a record for the appellate process. jon: let's talk about another case, oscar can pistorius charged with the murder of his girlfriend. he is saying he thought she was some type of a burglar. how many burglars walk into the master bathroom and hide behind a locked door? >> interesting legal trivia and history point, the woodward case in the '50s, very wealthy couple on the gulf coast of long island, the woman shot and killed the husband. dominic dunn wrote a book, you remember, and she claimed that an intruder had broken in. but i agree with you, jon, very unlikely. i think the physical evidence will do the talking -- >> right. >> and that is how many gunshots are there and then the cricket bat and so -- >> four shots behind a locked door, she's in her nightgown, he
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says he doesn't know she's in bed and then the bat. it wasn't just the shots that killed her. if you legitimately thought it was an intruder, you have the shots, one or four, whatever, you wouldn't go so far as to bludgeon the person's skull. the physical evidence here is really, really bad. jon: so the prosecution seems to be going after him with everything they've got, and that leads you to believe that exactly what you're saying, they have got a lot of evidence. >> it looks like, and this is all coming in very quickly, but we've also got the ipod, remember, it was just discovered yesterday, what's on that, what are the text messages she may have been texting with a former boyfriend, there are a lot of pieces there too. >> the first order of business is the bail hearing, jon, which is today and tomorrow and the question is, of course, what's his custodial status is, is he going to be out on bail or detaped? >> first-degree murder. >> it's interesting because i'm not, obviously, an expert in south african proceed where are. they have two sections in place, and actually the defendant has
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to show that it's in the interest of justice that he be released. so we'll see what happens. jon: it's a tragic case and, again, the whole world is watching. but, wow. we'll certainly be keeping an eye on that, let you know what the judges decide as this case rolls along. doug burns, lis wiehl, thank you both. >> my pleasure. jon: jenna? jenna: a get together by two very famous people that the public never saw. we've seen president obama and tiger woods together in the past, so why did the white house shut out the press when the two men played golf this weekend in florida? a fair and balanced debate on presidential privacy versus presidential access. when you have sensitive skin,
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[ woman ] our guests go crazy for lobsterfest. my favorite entree is the lobster lover's dream. what's yours? come celebrate lobsterfest and sea food differently. jenna: fox news alert on what happened out in california in orange county this morning very early, before 5 a.m., there was a shooting at a home, and for the next half an hour police also learned of several carjackings and several more shootings as well.
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four dead now including the shooter, and the motive at this time is unclear about why the shooter chose to murder these people and whether or not this was all connected. we'll have more out of orange county, california, as we hear it. ♪ jon: there's new reaction to a spat between the obama administration and the reporters who cover the president. this comes after the white house shut out the press from covering president obama and tiger woods as they played golf together over the weekend if florida. fox's chief white house correspondent ed henry is also president of an organization known as the white house correspondents' association. in his role as that group's leader, ed responded to critics who say the white house press corps has no basis to complain. ed saying, quote:
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jon: let's take this up with our news watch panel. ellen rattner is bureau chief of talk radio news service, cal thomas is a syndicated columnist, both are fox news contributors. so, ellen, there might be folks at home saying, so what's the big deal? you don't have a picture of the president with tiger woods on the golf course, at least not one taken by independent reporters, what's the big deal? >> unfortunately, this isn't going to be much of a debate, because i'm going to totally agree with cal on this. i've been covering the white house for 20 years, been a member of the correspondents' association for 19 years, and i have to say this white house is the most closed white house we've ever had. i don't think the golf thing would be such a big issue except it's kind of the straw that broke the camel's back. jon: wait a minute, cal, president obama says over and over and over again that this is the most transparent white house in history. >> yes. well, you can say it, but that
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doesn't make it true. ellen is exactly right, jon. this is the most image-oriented, manipulative white house really since the clintons, and i thought that they were great. they control access because they want to control the questions. now, what's interesting -- and we've talked about this on news watch just, i think, last weekend -- is that so many of the media who were in the tag for president obama through the two elections are now starting to question ever so slightly some of his policies. i don't think he wants to be questioned. he doesn't want to be held accountable to a higher authority because he thinks he's the highest authority. i think ed henry is absolutely right. it's just a picture on the 18th green, but it is indicative of the continued image manipulation and the true lack of transparency -- i give you men benghazi, i give you that we still haven't been able to see any of those who survived that terrorist attack on the u.s. mission in libya, nobody's interview ised them, we don't even know their names, i don't
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think. jon: well, tiger woods isn't the hero he once was. first of all, his golf game has fallen from the heights he once played it, but also there's the allegations of other women in his life when he was still married and the going after his former wife, that kind of thing. you know, this is maybe not a guy that the president wants his photo to be taken with in situations like we saw over the weekend. >> well, that might be, and cal is right is that there's total control of the media, particularly now that we have social media. the white house does its own little tv kind of program, they can do twitter, so they kneel like they don't -- they feel like they don't need us as much because they can get their own message out and get away from people like your correspondent, like people like cal -- although cal's not at the white house every day -- but those kinds of tough questions. and so they can go directly to the people. they don't need us as much. jon: yeah -- >> they won't even let me
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through the gate. [laughter] >> they'd let you through the gate, cal. jon: the point is why face up to an ed henry or new york times or washington post when you can go on "the view" or pump out information via twitter, huh, cal? >> yeah. or you can do the pre-super bowl interview with steve kroft and, actually, let it be known as the president says he likes going on "60 minutes" because he gets soft questions. now, come on. this isn't the role of a journalist, but they do manipulate. they tell producers, look, we're going to give you so and so, the secretary of this, the secretary of that, but here are the questions we don't want asked, and a lot of the compliant media with this administration go along with it because they want the guest because it brings them ratings, it gives them standings. they would never do this with a republican president. they'd make it public that they were asked not to ask certain questions. >> well, i will -- i mean, i will and won't agree with cal on this one. i'm not so sure that if the bush administration were to have closed off access that they
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would have gotten some heat just as the obama administration is now. i just want to say that this administration has closed off more access. so they're getting more heat. jon: and they haven't granted an interview to print reporters from the times, the post, "the wall street journal," politico, those kinds of organizations in the years. worth pointing out. cal thomas, ellen rattner, thank you both. >> thank you, jon. jenna: new reports today that the obama administration is planning a major new study of the human brain. it will cost billions and billions of dollars. what's the payoff? is this where we should be investing, and should government head up this study? it's worked before. we'll take a closer look at this. also, a glowing kate middleton showing off the royal baby bump. it had to make its debut sometime. we have the latest photos for you ahead. when you have diabetes...
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jon: a fox news alert, massa is reporting that it has reestablished communications with the international space station during most of the time that we've been on the air today, the station was out of touch. apparently, there was some kind of a software problem with computers onboard the space station couldn't communicate with some of the satellite, so they did get in touch with russian ground stations. the crew is said to be okay, things are back on their way toward normal. nasa able to talk once again with the international space station. jenna: a little bigger than a dropped call. jon: yeah. jenna: when you can't reach the space station. well, the obama administration is planning a brand new initiative, mapping and examining the inner workings of the human brain. the project will cost reportedly around $3 billion over the next decade, and the hope is it will lead to revolutionary new treatments for diseases like alzheimer's and parkinsons and a
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variety of mental illness ins. some scientists are comparing this to the human genome project. the return on our investment as the public on that was huge, what we learned, the research even bigger. dr. david charles is the chief medical officer of the vanderbilt neuroscience institute, so he's the right guy to talk about this. dr. charles, best case scenario in this, you know, what would we learn? if we mapped out the human brain, what are the stakes? >> hi, jenna. certainly, the stakes are huge here. if we're able to map the activity of the brain, so much is unknown about the brain today, and illnesses such as alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, autism in a child or mental health issue, all of that comes from the brain, so understanding the brain's activity should unlock incredible new treatments going forward. of. jenna: so the human genome project, one of the things we
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learned was there was of a breast cancer gene, for example, and that's something we can test for now. >> right. jenna: is this information about the human brain, is it the missing link for finding cures to things like alzheimer's? >> well, certainly, if you look at alzheimer's alone, estimated 100 million people in the world have alzheimer's by 2050 just in america, the number of people who have alz heym orer's if we don't have something that really attacks that illness could put us on the road for bankrupting our health care system. just one illness alone, or combine that with health care, mental health issues. if you take alzheimer's disease and the costs of the research that's already been done, over a hundred drugs have been tried in alzheimer's disease without significant progress. why is that? i think it's because we don't really understand fully how the brain works, and so this research, the brain activity map, should unlock some of the workings of the brain such that we could understand the cause of alzheimer's and then lead to new treatments. jenna: so my brain is just
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trying to keep up with this conversation because it's complicated. but it's really interesting, you know, one of the scientists that worked on the human genome project says he doesn't agree with some of these big investments. and he said we can't overly invest in big science because we can't guarantee big research. and if we overlook little science, little projects that are doing big things, then we're actually skewing the data away from us meaning that it may make us less likely to find cures for these diseases. what are your thoughts on that? >> yeah. i wouldn't frame it that way. i think in this particular case the president's on pretty solid footing. we've had some great examples of national initiatives whether it's the space program or the human genome project where as americans we've stepped out in front for huge scientific endeavors. this is going to be one of those episodes. our next challenges in health care are really around the neurosciences. the brain is the final unexplored activity. so in this one the president's
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building off the human genome project, the effort in the past to double the funding of the nih budget led to huge returns. and so on this one even in this time where spending cuts are important for our nation, we do have to do some discretionary spending. this is a good investment, because the return on that investment not only for society, but for our nation will be incredible. jenna: so we'll continue this conversation, i'm sure, at a later date. some people believe public/private partnership is the way to go, and we'll talk more about it. dr. charles, great to have you with us today. thank you for the time. >> thank you, jenna. jon: all right. so four babies born to the same mom within minutes of each other, but doctors are not calling them quadruplets. the answer to this baby brain teaser next.
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>> well, a very special delivery for one mom in texas because she gave birth to four baby boys minutes apart. doctors say they are not


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